BC WAS TASKED TO CREATIVELY DIRECT 'Awkward' for both the Console/PC games and the physical card game (Branding). BC created the main character 'Wick' and ENGINEERED the STORY for the Awkward 1 & 2 CONSOLE/PC GAME. Focusing on the GAMES CORE OBJECTIVES: TestING your friendships, discoverING hidden truths, and creatING memories that will leave you and your friends talking (and laughing) for days. This wildly irreverent series delivers a unique blend of gut-busting humor, cringe-inducing scenarios, and playful insults, all wrapped around a core of social awkwardness.
PROJECT REQUIREMENTS: 3D (lighting, modelling, texturing, animating), comping, animation, editing, CREATIVE DIRECTION Illustrations, SCRIPT WRITING, digital, Logo Design, BRANDING, ADVERTS, PACKAGING, Story and Character Design.